
 Price $1,275 | Deposit $200

Tomas Dundzila


Tomas Dundzila

Trip Number: 23184A

There may be slight differences between itineraries for various dates. Contact the leader for details.

Dates Selected: Jun 4-10, 2023

This trip has already taken place.

Total Capacity: 10

Booking Policy

Exploring the Lower Allagash Wilderness Waterway Maine by Canoe

Sierra Club Outings | Canoe, Water


  • Enjoy a National Wild and Scenic River
  • Experience remote wilderness canoe camping
  • See moose, bald eagles, loons, and other wildlife


  • All meals, snacks, and camping fees
  • Natural & human history from a Registered Maine Guide


The Trip

“I’m sure there are many things I’ll never learn from traveling over the earth by canoe. I’m just not sure any of them are worth much.” — Douglas Woods, Paddle Whispers

We will paddle in the homeland of the Wabanaki, the People of the Dawn, who have lived here for thousands of generations in what is known today as the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. This epic paddling journey follows much of a 100-mile-long chain of lakes and rivers, and one of the few eastern rivers that can be paddled a week or longer without coming into contact with modern civilization.



We will travel by canoe along a 50-mile stretch, from Umsaskis Thoroughfare Bridge to the northern terminus of the Allagash, where it meets the St. John River. Along the way we'll take time to swim, take photos, and enjoy nature. This time of year we will enjoy nearly 16 hours of daylight, take advantage of the warming yet high water, and see relatively few people on the waterway. 

After paddling across Long Lake we will enter the flowing Allagash to Round Pond. From there we remain in the river, assisted by its current for the rest of the trip. We will portage around scenic, but dangerous, Allagash Falls, and continue to Allagash Village. Travel is always dependent on the weather, river conditions, and group members.



Getting There

We meet day one (Sunday) at Pelletier’s Campground, St. Francis, Maine at 3 p.m. Pelletier’s is roughly 2 hours away from Presque Isle International Airport (PQI) (aka Northern Maine Regional Airport), 4.5 hours from Bangor, ME International Airport (BGR), or a 9-hour drive from Boston (BOS) via I-95 and Routes 11 and 161. Participants are responsible for their own travel to and from the starting point. We will share fellow participants' contact information and carpooling is encouraged. 

While we plan to end the trip on day eight (Saturday) after lunch, and fully expect we will, it is possible to become wind-bound. We have allowed time for this in our itinerary; however, it is still wise in making your return travel plans to consider this possibility. 

Please do not make non-refundable travel arrangements until notified to do so by the trip leader.




David Pearson

Assistant Leader:

David Pearson


Canoe the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine
Canoe the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine
Canoe the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine
Canoe the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine



July 10, 2023
Gary B, Lawrence, KS
I recently completed this trip, a first canoe trip with Sierra after multiple backpacking and lodge hiking outings.  The weather was not the best, but still a great experience.  This one is on my radar for a hopeful repeat in the future with an extended stay in Maine.  Also, will check out other Sierra canoe outings.

How was the quality of the volunteer leadership?
Leaders were well prepared, knowledgeable regarding canoeing and the area, and were accommodating which all added up to a smooth and an enjoyable trip.  The group had complete confidence with leadership.  Meals were great.

What was the highlight of your trip? Any advice for potential travelers?
The highlight was the beautiful scenery and water.  Participants need to prepare for chilly weather and rain including on an extended basis.  Those who were prepared did fine and enjoyed the trip the most, others who were not well prepared paid for it

Have you taken a trip with us recently? If so, look for an email to submit a review, or email us to find out how to submit.

July 10, 2023
Gary B, Lawrence, KS
I recently completed this trip, a first canoe trip with Sierra after multiple backpacking and lodge hiking outings.  The weather was not the best, but still a great experience.  This one is on my radar for a hopeful repeat in the future with an extended stay in Maine.  Also, will check out other Sierra canoe outings.

How was the quality of the volunteer leadership?
Leaders were well prepared, knowledgeable regarding canoeing and the area, and were accommodating which all added up to a smooth and an enjoyable trip.  The group had complete confidence with leadership.  Meals were great.

What was the highlight of your trip? Any advice for potential travelers?
The highlight was the beautiful scenery and water.  Participants need to prepare for chilly weather and rain including on an extended basis.  Those who were prepared did fine and enjoyed the trip the most, others who were not well prepared paid for it