Cy Englert

Cy Englert
Cy Englert began leading trips as a Sierra Club volunteer leader in 1993 and has led trips to Costa Rica, Nepal, and Thailand. While working towards a Master's degree in Environmental Leadership at Naropa University, Cy studied natural building and wrote his thesis on a systems approach to wastewater treatment. After graduating in 2004, he built three tiny houses, and acquired a Permaculture Design Certificate. Cy is an enthusiastic traveler having explored more than 30 countries across six continents. After a long, 34-year career at IBM, he is currently a Marketing Specialist for a software company headquartered in Silicon Valley. Cy currently lives in Florida with his partner and enjoys kayaking, hiking, and camping. Having led the first international outing for LGBTQ members in the 1990s, Cy endeavors to create an inclusive environment for all participants and to foster respect for the places we visit and local cultures we visit. He is the recipient of the Sierra Club's National Outings QIC Outstanding Leadership award for 2022.


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