Parent/Grandparent and Teen Backpack, Emigrant Wilderness, California

Sierra Club Outings Trip | Backpack

A group of teens standing next to the trail sign
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  • Experience quality family time in the great outdoors
  • Swim in beautiful alpine lakes and creeks
  • Low mileage days allow time for rest and exploration


  • Enthusiastic and supportive volunteer leadership
  • Delicious homemade meals
  • Learning opportunities for wilderness conservation






This trip is in: United States, California


  • Hikers on their way down the trail
  • The trail full of grass, flowers, and rocks with the mountains in the background
  • Purple-white gradient flowers growing in a bush in the middle of a rock
  • A stream between the rocks surrounded by trees and mountains
  • A tall deep-green grass field with tall trees in the back
  • A campground with several orange tents and trees in the background
  • A reflection of the lake, trees, and mountains
  • A group of teens and adults surrounding the campfire, making s'mores
  • A group of teens and adults crossing the stream in line